Saving You Time and Money With Our 1-2-3 Editing Process
STEP 1 only has to be repeated for new scenes recorded in the studio, creating huge savings $$$ in editing. STEP 2 can be repeated within a scene for just $75 per video! STEP 3 is optional, meaning you only pay for it if you really need it.
Syncing, color grading, resizing & audio leveling
A. Sync two camera angles together
B. Color grade for the “scene’s” lighting, backdrop, position of camera & talent
C. Resize “landscape” to “portrait” aspect ratio for social media
D. Level and adjust dialogue audio captured by studio microphones
What qualifies as a new scene? Anything that visually or audibly changes in the studio is typically a new “scene” (Changing backdrops, wardrobes, position of cameras/talent/mics etc.).
Best takes, arranged powerfully with branding
A. Search entire scene to find the “best takes” on a given topic or theme
B. Re-arrange these clips, cutting out “ums” and “uhs,” to create a succinct powerful short video, making you sound like a rockstar!
C. Precise cuts back and forth between two camera angles to eliminate “jump cuts” and create seamless smooth transitions
D. Add client-supplied outro, logo and/or website, text or call-to-action
How Long are BASELINE EDITS? Typically 30 to 60 seconds in editing length, and price is determined by this length.
Licensed background music, customized for your video
A. Search sound libraries for the perfect soundtrack
B. Edit soundtrack length to match video length with proper ending
C. Edit soundtrack levels throughout video to match different tones
B-roll video overlaid to visually emphasize your topic
A. Search folders for the perfect b-roll clips
B. Edit b-roll to correct length and correct position within video
C. Color grade all b-roll clips
Learn more about b-roll here
Graphics overlaid to visually emphasize your topic
A. We study your brand/style guide to match your fonts, color and style
B. Create on-screen text on top of video for things like callouts, instructions and product features
C. Create graphic design and motion graphics elements for on-screen text
What is B-roll?
B-roll is often used to enhance footage of a person who is speaking towards a camera, like in an interview or explanation video. This video of the person is called a “talking head” and b-roll refers to the additional video clips and/or photos or graphics that are edited in to replace parts of the video of the person who is speaking on camera, while keeping in the audio dialogue of what they are saying. There are two main benefits of b-roll:
1) B-roll visually showcases or emphasizes what the person is talking about. If they start talking about a product they made, we can “cut away” from their “talking head” and show b-roll video/photos/graphic of that product on screen while their dialogue continues to discuss that product.
2) B-roll allows our editors to cover up the “jump cuts” (abrupt startling edits in video) that are often left from taking out “ums” and “uhs” and other outtakes that, when removed, make the video more concise, powerful and overall more engaging to watch.
What if I don’t have any b-roll of my product or service?
We can film b-roll either in our studio or at your place of business if needed.
Why would I want to add a soundtrack and b-roll?
If your content needs added visual emphasis or explanation through additional footage, b-roll and soundtracks build upon your Baseline Edit with these elements to enhance your video for the topics that you really want to drive home and showcase.
What about captions or text for my video?
A basic version of captions and text are included in the Baseline Edit, however, we also provide an optional add-on for us to add more dynamic and animated captions, which are “burned into” the video and can’t be toggled on and off within a social media platform. Alternatively, you can have your marketing agency add captions natively within Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc. which can increase the reach of your video through searchable “meta data.”